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Speaker session

(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
09:00 - 10:00


Cesár Sampson

Cesár Sampson will explore the power of music to unite people. He will be performing two songs: ‘Lazy Suit’ and ‘Nobody but You’.


Superar and singer Cesár Sampson will open the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 with a music performance.

This dance performance by 6e Sens Companies and DK-BEL features dancers with and without disabilities. It conveys the values of sharing, togetherness, kindness and respect and explore the feeling of beauty, with the aim of understanding how it can be a conduit connecting personal emotion to collective emotion, and even universal emotion. Beauty, as poet Charles Baudelaire saw it, is linked to the bizarre, to strangeness, chaos, pain and the fragility of beings. The choreographic piece ‘C'est BEAU!’ presents a unique, gentle vision of beauty. The performance will also feature in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

Alexander Van der Bellen (video message)


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of unit


Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Respect for human rights, freedom, democracy, and the rule of law are the founding principles of the EU. Yet, these principles are under threat across the continent. How can we safeguard the values our democracies are built on? And how we can protect people’s rights in times of polycrisis? This panel will explore how to prevent backsliding of democracy and the rule of law. It will consider specific measures to address rights abuses and socio-economic inequalities which contribute to polarisation in our societies.


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Cesár Sampson

Singer Cesár Sampson will talk about the power of music to unite people and sing his 2018 Eurovision song "Nobody but You".

After 70 years of unprecedented socioeconomic integration, the EU continues to evolve through processes that largely marginalize citizens’ input. It remains virtually impossible for an EU citizen – not to mention its residents – to express his/her desire for a change in the Union’s direction and hold its institutions accountable. If the EU has constitutionally embraced a model of democracy under which citizen participation forms an additional source of legitimacy for the Union in its day-to-day decision-making, this has not translated into a major transformation in how citizens participate in the Union’s democratic life, on EU Election Day and beyond. This is concretely due to the absence of both a pan-EU electoral party system and pan-EU public sphere. This talk suggests new bottom up approaches aimed at democratizing the EU project at a critical time for the continent.

Alberto Alemanno | Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, HEC Paris | Founder, The Good Lobby |


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Despite ongoing efforts, antisemitism and racism remain a common occurrence in football. This masterclass will introduce Anne Frank House’s efforts to eradicate antisemitism and racism in football stadiums and amateur football clubs. The session will take you on a trip through Anne Frank House’s educational projects, and some of the difficulties they faced working with supporters and young amateur footballers. It will highlight the achievements and lessons learned from their work. Ultimately, the session will highlight that countering antisemitism and racism in football requires a common effort by football clubs, football associations, NGOs and local government bodies.

“Reimagining politics through human rights” is the third series in the podcast sessions "To the Righthouse" by the Global Campus of Human Rights. In this series, Prof. Graham Finlay hosts meaningful discussions with renowned and emerging voices. The series seeks to question current political systems and challenge deep-rooted inequalities, as a way of envisioning a future that embraces diversity, protects human dignity and empowers human beings and communities.


Markus Jaeger

Markus Jaeger


Jaeger & Associates Human Rights Consultants


David Griffith

David Griffith


Free Thought

Note taker:

Julia Zasada

Julia Zasada

Master's student

Global Campus


Tim mortimer

Tim Mortimer

Programme Officer, Europe Region

International Dialogue Centre

Teresa Albano

Teresa Albano

Cooperation with NHRIs

International Dialogue Centre

Free and fair elections are key for holding politicians to account and countering authoritarian trends. With several major elections this year, including for the European Parliament on 6-9 June, this panel will focus on ensuring free and fair elections in the digital age. It will zoom in on ways to build trust and engagement in electoral processes, ensure greater transparency and counter disinformation online.


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


12:15 - 12:30


Human rights lab / Top 319 - livestream

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Democracy only thrives with a vibrant civil society. Yet, civil society organisations face constant threats and attacks. This panel will explore how we can protect and strengthen civic space across the EU, empower human rights defenders and develop a human rights culture. It will also look into strategies for investing in human rights education and engaging young people.

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


In this masterclass, the City of Vienna (Austria) and the City of Mechelen (Belgium) will talk about the role of cities in encouraging youth participation and inclusion and promoting democracy through education. The session will draw on successful case studies from projects implemented by the two cities. They will showcase how human rights and engaging young people, parents, teachers, and other educational actors can greatly contribute to promoting democracy and fostering a sense of belonging in their communities.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024



Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Cesár Sampson

Raizes Teatro will take the audience on a journey through the challenges young underprivileged people face in Europe in marginalised areas and communities, far from central institutions and big cities. It explores the question: If you are deaf or blind, cannot walk, black or white, male or female, can you participate in democracy? The performers, whose extraordinary personal stories intertwine with the play, will show a world where this is possible.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


13:45 - 14:30

Lunch break

13:45 - 14:30


Jourová Věra

Themis are the collective voices of our surrounding ecosystems. In their speech, the myriad forms of life – from the filtering trees to the smallest pollinator, from the micorbes and microorganisms in the waters to the bacteria and fungi in the soils, address humankind to point out nature's relevance for any form of life on this planet.

The climate crisis is a human rights crisis. As we all experience the impact of climate change, it is the poorest and most vulnerable who most bear the brunt. How can we address rising inequalities? This panel discussion will explore the role human rights can play in addressing climate change and consider the risks and opportunities of the green transition.

Antonio Guterres (video message)


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Jourová Věra

This dance performance by 6e Sens Companies and DK-BEL features dancers with and without disabilities. It conveys the values of sharing, togetherness, kindness and respect and explore the feeling of beauty, with the aim of understanding how it can be a conduit connecting personal emotion to collective emotion, and even universal emotion. Beauty, as poet Charles Baudelaire saw it, is linked to the bizarre, to strangeness, chaos, pain and the fragility of beings. The choreographic piece ‘C'est BEAU!’ presents a unique, gentle vision of beauty. The performance will also feature in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Functional public spaces are among the most vital components of any city. They fundamentally shape how we feel in the city. And how we feel in turn defines how we behave towards each other. Therefore, it is crucial to implement a systematic approach to redesigning and revitalizing neglected squares, streets, neighbourhoods that will create safe, inviting, and accessible spaces, where people feel good. Their active use encourages quality use of free time, community gatherings, and intergenerational engagement, fostering happiness, heightened environmental awareness, and stronger social bonds. Accessible spaces create conditions for everyone to actively contribute to community development and free use of public space without discrimination.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Join the Masterclass "Collaborating in Cocoa: A Chocolate Love-Affair for Human Rights" with industry leaders Jessie Macneil-Brown from Ben & Jerry's and Joke Aerts from Tony's Open Chain. Discover how these brands are tackling human rights issues in the cocoa industry, focusing on eradicating child labor and ensuring a living income for cocoa farmers.

In this 60-minute session, explore real-world examples and case studies showcasing their efforts. Gain insights into Ben & Jerry's work in refugee activism and Tony's Open Chain's vision for human rights in the cocoa supply chain.

Get practical advice for businesses on replicating these models for a socially and environmentally sustainable future.


Israel Butler

Israel Butler

Head of Narrative and Framing

Civil Liberties Union for Europe


David Griffith

David Griffith


Free Thought

Note taker:

Chiara Mongiello

Chiara Mongiello

Human Rights Student

Global Campus of Human Rights

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


Ocean Calls is a bi-monthly show in which Euronews and two leading experts in the field plunge into the issues making waves on our blue planet. We break down science, share unexpected facts and relive outstanding marine experiences with notable environmental activists, musicians, and even astronauts.

The actions of private companies and corporations have a far-reaching impact on the lives of people around the world, including their social and environmental rights. Focusing on corporate social responsibility, this panel will examine the initiatives of businesses in tackling climate change. It will explore how businesses can increase their transparency and empower consumers to make environmentally conscious and socially responsible choices.


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator



Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of Unit


The talk will reflect on how the tools derived from contemporary arts can be applied to real-world issues, challenging, influencing, and changing public perceptions of them. While telling the story of personal involvement in different social problems, a look into a handful of case studies of art-fueled interventions will be offered.

The topics of performative actions range from environmentalism, threats to democracy, the refugee crisis on the Belorussian border, and the war in Ukraine. The emphasis of the talk is on how freedom of speech facilitates all human rights.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


16:30 - 16:45


Human rights lab / Top 319 - livestream

Dealing with climate change and social injustice requires us to rethink our socio-economic models and address inequality and its causes, both within Europe and globally. This panel will explore ways to ensure fair social and ecological outcomes that involve activists, young people, and local communities in the decision-making process.

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


Guided by the mission to inspire, activate and accelerate collective action to respect human rights and the environment within the context of European football, UEFA aims to empower everyone involved in the sport to play an active role in contributing to sustainable development.

This masterclass will provide practical insights into UEFA’s targeted measures and investments in policies and areas of action, coupled with examples of how it is building capacities and catalysing collaboration across national associations, leagues and clubs in support of sustainable development.

With UEFA EURO 2024 being held in Germany this summer, the masterclass will also zoom in on the concrete example of this large-scale tournament to showcase the strategic intent to position environmental, social and governance (ESG) themes as contributing factors to the tournament’s success.


Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of unit



Nicole Romain

Nicole Romain

Head of Unit



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Jolien Walhof from Waterbear will talk about the impact of film on human rights. Waterbear is the first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet. It features award-winning documentaries, enlightening short films and impactful series. The aim is to enable the audience to get informed, raise their voices, connect with others and influence future policy. 

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


17:45 - 18:00


18:00 - 20:00


 Arkadenhof (Yard)


The Chorus Juventus youth choir will close the first day of the Forum with a powerful music performance.

In our increasingly digital world, tech advances affect every aspect of our lives, including our human rights. New technologies can speed up decision making, foster equality and enhance inclusion. But they can also undermine human rights and result in discrimination. This panel will explore how to best address algorithmic biases, improve accessibility for underserved groups, and devise strategies to leverage digitalisation for creating a fairer, more inclusive world.

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


Jourová Věra

This theatrical performance by the Italian Collective Liberamente speaks about vulnerability, disorientation, escapism and fear. At the same time, it shows strength, resilience, persistence and struggle.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Explore the intersection of fashion, technology, and privacy as we delve into the innovative world of AI clothing. Discover how these garments offer a unique solution to address data privacy concerns in the era of facial recognition technology.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


This one-hour master class will showcase the power of open-source technologies to document and expose human rights violations through various themes- from refugee crises to war crimes. From using photogrammetry, 3D modelling, geospatial and weapons analysis in specific case studies, the audience will get a glimpse into how these tools and techniques are driving today’s human rights investigations. The master class will feature the work of Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch, as well as examples of other major digital investigations published by news outlets.

Euronews Tech Talks goes beyond discussions to explore the impact of new technologies on our lives. With explanations, engaging Q&As, and lively conversations, the podcast provides valuable insights into the intersection of technology and society.


Katharine Sarikakis

Katharine Sarikakis

University Professor, Director Media Governance Research Lab

University of Vienna


David Griffith

David Griffith


Free Thought

Note taker:

Vladimir Cortes

Vladimir Cortes

Master student in Human Rights and Democratisation

Global Campus of Human Rights


Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of unit


Authorities increasingly use technologies to predict crimes, assess visa applications or monitor demonstrations. What impact does this have on people’s rights? This panel will focus on the human rights implications of AI-powered tools, such as facial recognition. Panellist will explore how the use of AI can lead to discrimination and ethnic profiling. They will seek to identify solutions for ensuring rights-compliant security and policing practices across the EU.


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Moderator: Nicole Romain

Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of Unit


Moderator:  Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


As the first generation of true digital natives, Gen Z holds unique potential to leverage technology for collective good. Jasemen Nassab explores how growing up immersed in global connectivity shapes this generation’s worldview and capabilities. With limitless access to information, young people gain expansive perspectives that fuel a sense of shared humanity. However, our empathy has not kept pace with our technological reach. True progress lies in evolving our compassion to match our capabilities. Jasemen calls for “digital humanism”—harnessing technology to serve all, not just the powerful few. She urges intergenerational partnership: older generations must reconsider stereotypes and make space for youth voices, while Gen Z must bring courageous global citizenship into every space they occupy. Together, we can realize technology’s promise to unite humanity across borders. Jasemen provides a vision for building a just future by connecting generations, cultures and perspectives.



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


11:45 - 12:00


Human rights lab / Top 319 - livestream

Tech companies are driving the development and adoption of new technologies. What are they doing to protect people’s rights? This panel will look at initiatives tech companies take to increase transparency, and ensure fair and competitive digital landscapes that protect people’s rights.


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


This masterclass will introduce innovative methods of creative audio storytelling to empower citizens in the context of complex topics, such as climate change or AI. The masterclass drawing inspiration from podcasts Ocean Calls and Euronews Tech Talks.  

More and more young Europeans are listening to podcasts, citing it as a space to "make sense of the world" and break through the alarmist narrative of traditional media. Audio storytelling can provide a space for exploring solutions and amplifying underreported stories. We'll explore how. 

Euractiv’s Tech Brief, where you’ll find the latest roundup of news covering technology from across Europe. EU tech policy insights brought to you by Júlia Tar, Théophane Hartmann and Alina Clasen every Friday. 

Moderator:  Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


Sara Nazari

Sara Nazari is one of Sweden’s best-known spoken-word poets.

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


13:00 - 14:00


13:00 - 14:00

Lunch break



Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


This panel will take stock of the Forum discussions on protecting democracy and civic space, shaping a socially and environmentally sustainable Europe, and ensuring a rights-compliant digital landscape. Panellists will show the role human rights play in shaping our European societies, allowing people to flourish while upholding the values of dignity and equality. The outcome of the human rights tables − guided by the 'citizens' assembly' philosophy − under each thematic strand will feed into the discussion of this panel.

Paul van Tigchelt (video message)


Damla Hekimoglu

Damla Hekimoglu

Journalist and Newsanchor


Filmmaker and slam poetry champion Lisette Ma Neza will present a poem inspired by the Forum discussions. Ma Neza is Brussels’ first city poet, an honorary position she will hold for the next two years.


Friso Roscam Abbing

Friso Roscam Abbing

Curator Fundamental Rights Forum 2024


This panel will look ahead to the next 5 to 10 years with confidence and ambition. Panellists will discuss the shifts in methodology and agenda to address the changing nature of challenges to humanity. Panellists should demonstrate commitment to fostering interdisciplinary approaches, particularly between human rights, businesses and technology.

Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar (video message)

Moderator: Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits

Curator, moderator


Moderator: Nicole Romain

Djamila Grandits

Nicole Romain

Head of unit


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