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From erosion to empowerment:Protecting democracy and civic space in Europe

Recent developments are threatening the EU’s founding principles of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental and human rights.

Here , the Forum will tackle topics such as hardwiring rights into crisis interventions , protecting and empowering civil society and activism, strengthening a human rights culture, upholding rule of law - in the EU.


From rights to resilience:Shaping a socially and environmentally sustainable Europe

The climate crisis is also a human rights crisis, affecting a wide range of rights, exposing global inequality and social injustice.

The Forum will tackle topics such as climate change and human rights, business responsibility, and rethinking wealth distribution.


From code to conscience:Ensuring rights-compliant digitalisation

In an increasingly digital world, tech advances affect almost all aspects of our lives and our rights.

Here the Forum will tackle topics such as regulating digitalisation without stifling innovation, and unbundling services to ensure technology companies do not monopolise services and include effective safeguards against, for example surveillance-based advertising.

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